Hello folks
What better month than April to awe you with some classy additions? Sit back, take a sip of your favorite summer drink as we let you in on the best of last month.
This month’s pretty special because we’ve got two amazing question types rolled out for you! And obviously, there’s more (No mention, please).
Ready or not, here we come!
Heatmap question type - A summer collection from our side
(But we raise the bar and not the temperature). With the heatmap question type, you get a graphical representation of areas that fetch maximum clicks on any image. Decode respondent behavior picture-wise!
Group Rank question type - Why only rank choices when you can group them as well? Aaha! 2 in 1 is what we’re talking about
You know what they say - when grouping and ranking get together, the survey becomes even more powerful!
Freshdesk integration - Say what? The SurveySparrow-Freshdesk integration is LIVE! The union helps you trigger NPS, CSAT, & CES surveys whenever a ticket/contact is created or updated on your Freshdesk account. Mindblowing! Here’s more power to your CX programs
Schedule NPS overview & responses - NPS automation redefined! With this, you get to schedule NPS overview and responses to your mail - be it weekly, monthly or yearly. Customer loyalty, here we come (2x)
Answer choice display logic - More logics in town! This fab-logic here helps you display relevant answer choices based on predefined conditions. The ball is in the MCQ court right now and we’re looking to target dropdowns too
Efficient choices, a reality!
We have more.
Do you remember the last time you really wanted to know more about our features? Here’s your opportunity to dive deep and explore our Executive Dashboard feature.
Join us LIVE to learn the insider tricks and tips from Kaushik Kannan, Partnerships Lead at SurveySparrow, as he shares how SurveySparrow’s Executive Dashboards help Leadership and Management experts to make effective business decisions.
In this webinar, we will cover:
- What is an Executive Dashboard?
- How to transform your survey data into actionable dashboards
- Why visualization is important for your survey data
- Best practices and solving business problems
- Q&A
And more.
Don’t miss it.
Register Now!
The end of summer collections (part 1)
The beginning of amazing CX, EX, and PX
Stay cool!
Team SurveySparrow.