Export survey using CSV and .xlsx format is not working

Exporting survey responses by using options "Download .csv" and "Download .xlsx" is not working.

On inspecting network response, we found that it is throwing an error with code 409
Please refer attached screenshot

Please help us by resolving this asap.


:wave: Shivani,

Welcome to SurveySparrow Community.

Many thanks for notifying the issue. I have passed this to my team who has taken this as high priority. Will notify you once the issue is resolved.



We fixed the issue. Can u please check and confirm?

Feel free to reach out for any additional support.


It is working now. Thanks for fixing this.

1 Like

Hi @Wahab

One another issue, we found today while exporting survey responses in xlsx and csv format.

After applying date filter, it shows total 6 records, but on export it just skips first response and shows 5 records only.

Refer screens below: The first response with “8” rating is missing in csv.

Can you please verify this issue?


Hi Shivani,

Our team will get in touch with you regarding this issue. Please expect a message or an email from us shortly.


Hello @Wahab

I have reverted with survey and account details here :

Can you please get this issue fixed earliest?
