Trouble to load and submit polls

Hi there, since a few days a have massive probs in loading the polls from web. Me and my colleagues are just getting hourglasses instead of content.
In a case the page loads, we can do the poll but the last step, submitting the answers, stucks and brings again just an hourglass, final thank you page doesn't come up.

Any similar experiences?


Hey there! Thank you for letting us know!

Can you allow us some time? We will get this checked for you from the backend and update?

that would be great. thanks for your reply so far!

Is there any particular survey for which you’re facing this issue?

all of mine, tested nearly all. maybe you try this one: DEV-UmfrageBASIC
I get hourglass for several minutes, then errormessage " We can’t seem to find the page you’re looking for."

sent u the mail with screenshot. let me know if you need more

thanks for your support. all seems to work fine again. :+1:

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Hi! We are super glad to hear that it is working fine :slight_smile: Please feel free to reach out to us for any technical assistance. Have a great day!