Rybbon Integration with SurveySparrow

Hi! Can I integrate my Rybbon account on SurveySparrow? I’m planning to conduct an employee reward program for my organisation. Would be great if someone could help me with this.

:wave: Mark

Welcome to SurveySparrow Community :star_struck:.

With SurveySparrow Rybbon Integration you can send rewards to the user when they complete the survey. This will help you to increase the Survey Completion Rate :sunglasses:.

It further enables you to:

  • Choose a reward or let your respondents select one. :gift: :red_gift_envelope:

  • Track your rewards :chart_with_upwards_trend:

  • Review & Reward or Send them all in one go :gem:.

This Article :speech_balloon: will help you to configure and manage SurveySparrow Rybbon Integration.

Hope this helps. Feel free to reach us for any questions :question:

Till then Stay Safe Stay Healthy :wave: