Conjoint question type

Does SurveySparrow have plans to introduce question types that fall under the category of 'conjoint analysis'? In brief, this type of questioning is used to uncover user preferences when there are several product attributes to select. It does this by putting the attributes in different combinations in several subsequent questions. The combinations in the questions are determined by behind-the-scenes statistical analysis done by survey platforms. After a few rounds of questions the conjoint analysis provides a preference score for each product attribute. A good description of conjoint analysis is here.

Survey Sparrow's competitors including Survey Monkey, Conjointly, QuestionPro, and Qualtrics all offer this. Offering conjoint analysis capability will make Survey Sparrow more competitive in the market research industry.

Hi Erik,

Welcome back to the community! :wave:

Thank you for sharing your suggestion and highlighting the value of conjoint analysis in understanding user preferences. We’re thrilled to let you know that advanced question types, including conjoint analysis, are on our roadmap! :rocket: and should be available in coming few months.

In the meantime, if you have any additional insights, specific requirements, or questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at or start a chat directly from your SurveySparrow account. We’re here to help!

Happy surveying :blush: