What happens after the 14 days trial?


I am wondering what is happening to the active surveys when the 14 days trial is ending?
I understand that you will be downgraded to a free plan that gives you limited possibilities in creating new surveys, but I am wondering what is happening to existing surveys?

During the trial I made a survey including eight questions with two of them having a skip / display logic - something that is not included in the free plan.

Is that survey still fully working and able to recieve answers, even if my account is downgraded and can we see the answers? Or is that survey suddenly not working anymore since there is a basic-feature used in it?

We are just awaiting around 50 answers regarding our wedding invitation and don't need to modify the existing survey.


Hello Tom,

Welcome to the community! :wave:

I wanted to let you know that if you encountered an error message while taking the survey, it's possible that some of the question types are not included in the free plan. As a result, those questions may not be visible when taking the survey.

While you can still view the responses without any issue, it's important to note that exporting them is not available on the free plan.

To address your concerns, I will send you an email directly to see what can be done to avoid this issue. :slightly_smiling_face:

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