NPS InApp Widget

NPS InApp lets you trigger and capture NPS survey responses directly on your website.

NPS inApp will give a higher response rate than email delivery. This is due to customers being more likely to respond to a survey while they’re in the application than they are not.

With the NPS InApp you can

:white_check_mark: Trigger Survey based on conditions such as Property tags or URL.

:white_check_mark: Pass custom parameters inside the InApp widget

:white_check_mark: Send Anonymous survey which means information like email address, name, IP address are excluded from survey responses.

:white_check_mark: Trigger a recurring survey which sends surveys every weekly, monthly or quarterly.

More details about NPS InApp widget are here.

Feel free to reach us for any queries :wave:t4:

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Color Customisation for NPS InApp Share

Navigate to the design section where you can change the appearance, color, position, and even the button style.