Maximum device limit


Every time I log in, I am told that " You can have 2 devices saved to your account at a time.

To continue, please remove a saved device, or log in from a device that already has your credentials."

There is only me with access to my account and I only ever use the same browser to log in.

This has not historically been a problem but over the past month(ish), this happens every single time.

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Hello, there! Thank you for posting your query here. :slight_smile:

We have enabled the Device Limit for all the SurveySparrow accounts. This precisely stops multiple sessions on a user level within the same account.

As an experience management platform, we ensure all your surveys and survey data have the utmost security it needs, which we are trying to achieve using Device Limits.

I hope my answer was convincing.

You can read more about Device Limits here: Device limit for accounts

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