Difference between a started and a completion rate in Reports?

The main purpose of conducting a survey is to gain important and useful data. SurveySparrow has a rich dashboard which helps you gain in-depth analysis about the survey responses.
The Report section is dedicated to helping you provide a detailed review about the Survey performance.

Below are the terms commonly used in the report section.

Visited vs Started:
Visited - the number of user who has clicked the Survey Link (shared through email, weblink, SMS, QR code etc)

Started - the number of people who has started the survey i.e clicking the start button or answering the first question

Completed and Completion Rate:
Completed is the number of users who submitted the survey whereas Completion Rate is the percentage of the number of surveys started divided by the number of surveys completed.

Completion rate = (Number of surveys submitted/ Number of surveys started)*100
= (64/70) *100
Completion Rate = 91.43%

Hope this helps.


But if the user clicked twice the link you count twice in visitor number?

Hi Maria,

Welcome to the community :wave:

I would like to inform you that the visited quota takes into account browser sessions. If a user opens the link twice in the same browser without deleting the cookies, it will be considered as one visit.

Please let me know if you have any further questions. :grinning:

Completed interviews does not distinguish between selected and rejected respondents. If a respondent gets terminated if he/she is not falling into the criteria still his/her survey will be considered as completed. This is not the correct way to look at data. Multiple thank you pages can take care of this issue but survey sparrow does not capture this data nor do they plan to implement it.