Auto-submit feature

One of our use-cases is to show a simple Yes/No widget asking whether the product is useful.

The submit button there is an unneeded extra step.

We would like the option to remove the submit button and auto-submit certain surveys. This option could be restricted to surveys consisting of one question with a “clickable” answer, for example.

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Hi Mihhail,

Thank you so much for reaching out.

Let me get this checked with our Product Management Team and get back to you.

Feel free to share your use-cases/ideas, we would love to hear it and may help others too.

Stay safe and Happy surveying!

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Hi Mihhail,

We do have an auto-submit option and it is available in our CHAT SURVEY. You need to toggle the partial and auto submission option on (refer screenshot)
It will be a one-question survey and you will just need to click the answer. Hope this helps


Hi Sahil,

Thank you for the quick reply!

This is close to what I want, but the extra chat UX/UI does not suit my use-case.

I want to present an embedded survey with one auto-submittable question. No need for the fancy chat animations, UI etc.

Got it Mihhail.
Let me check that out for you and see if this is something that we can achieve using the classic survey as well!

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