Number matrix question type

Hi there,

There are already a couple of matrix types, but one I'm personally missing is a number matrix. Right now I'm using text matrix questions and hoping that the user inputs a numeric value/string.


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Hi @uitrit4_comm.v ,

Welcome to the community :gem:

Currently, we don't have the "Number" matrix type with the question.

This is something we should develop in the future. Let me pass this request on to my product team.

Thank you :wave:t3:

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This would be really helpful for us as well. We export the answers to a Google Sheet and do some calculations there but this often results in errors because the answers don't follow a strict format. E.g. 2 * "1203.1" works, but 2 * "1 203.1" or 2 * "1203,1" will give an error.
I'm trying to work around it with some automatic regex find and replace but it's far from ideal.