Display logic based on text matrix questions

Hello again :slightly_smiling_face:

I have a question that I only want to show if the users entered some text* in a specific cell of an earlier text matrix question. This setup works:

My problem is that when a user types something in the cell and then deletes it, the next question is still displayed. This 'trick' also allows you to leave cells empty in a required question. Is this the intended behavior?

*Ideally, I would have a number matrix question type and check if a) the cell has a value and b) the value is >0. +1 for https://community.surveysparrow.com/t/number-matrix-question-type/2812

Hello @Jurriaan,

Thank you for getting in touch.
Could you kindly provide the URL from which the screenshot was captured? This will help us identify the survey ID and allow us to propose a potential solution or workaround.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.



You can take the survey here: https://uitrit4.surveysparrow.com/s/Test/tt-4mchTfxzdNsz2Woty4HoJk. The survey id is 348019.