Dividing respondents by different segments/groups based on what they answer for specific questions

It would be great to be able to automatically divide respondents by different segments/groups based on what they answer for specific questions. For example, to somehow automatically divide the respondents who rated the service as 1-2 out of 5, those who rated 3 out of five, and those who rated 4-5 out of 5 into three corresponding segments so that these segments could be added into the existing segments for the email campaigns in order to use these segments for subsequent email/SMS campaigns based one the specific responses people give to specific questions in a survey. Or, to be able to automatically generate different segments of users (e.g., Excel files) based on their specific responses in order to subsequently use these segments for email/SMS campaigns.

hi @julia1

I am unsure whether I understood the requirement. Do you want to segment the user based on the rating and send a customized email/SMS campaign based on the ratings?

Please clarify.