Has anyone noticed that the navigation doesn't change if someone chooses to edit their response? ie. the display /skip logic doesn't reset after the original section. So once the surveyed chooses an answer that takes them down one logic path, they can not see the questions from the other logic paths if they were to change their answer.
Example. I have three paths setup using the display / skip logic for rating the potential of taking a course 1-6. The bottom three scores send them to a clarifying question and then ends the survey. If someone picks five or six, they are asked where and when they would like to take the course.
If I first answer with zero or one, the survey takes me to the end of the survey (as programmed). On the last page, I can "edit responses." If I then change the response to six, no new questions appear. It stays on the last page. It is as if the logic is stuck based on the first response.