Expose survey response tags in API

In the ui on survey results > responses tab, individual responses can be tagged. It would really help if this was at least readable in the API.

Screenshot example:

If this could be included in the "get all responses" and "get a response" api it could make it very useful for downstream processing.

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Hi Taylor,

Welcome to the community :wave:

I have shared your suggestion with our product team, and they have confirmed that it has been considered and included in our development pipeline. Be assured that we will keep you updated on any progress or updates regarding this matter.

Thank you for your contribution and engagement in our community! :smiley:

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Hi @SurveySparrow_Support , it's been a month, just wondering if there's any updates on this? It would be extremely helpful. Again, I'm really only after getting read access to this information.

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Hello Taylor,

Wishing you a wonderful week.

Currently, our development team is actively working on it, and we are targeting a release within this quarter. Once we have a specific estimated time of deployment (ETA), we will make sure to update you here in the community.

We sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to implement this feature. :muscle:


Hi there, just wondering if there's been any updates on this?

It's been nearly a quarter since this message, I'd appreciate an update.

Hello Taylor,

We appreciate your prompt follow-up.

I'm pleased to inform you that our development team is actively engaged in the ongoing project, and we are currently in the development stage. Rest assured, we are diligently working towards delivering the best possible outcome. As soon as we have a clear ETA for this development, we will ensure to keep you informed both here and through email.

We truly value your patience and understanding throughout this process. :smiley:

I completely support this feature request. Having the ability to access survey response tags through the API would indeed enhance the usability and efficiency of downstream processing. It would open up opportunities for more seamless integration with external systems and further automate workflows. Looking forward to seeing this improvement implemented!

It looks like this has launched. Thank you!!! It appears to be working well.

Please extend my thanks to the team.