This might have been discussed a couple of times but with a quick search I got nothing out of "cookie", so I just ask you experienced people:
Is there a way to activate/enable/integrate a cookie consent declaration like we have to do in europe for a couple of years now? Maybe there is and I didnt find it so far?
If there would be no possibility to do so, I would have to look for another survey tool
Thanks for welcoming
YES! Thats exactly what I need - however: We have to place a link where you can see all terms and conditions and what data will be used and saved and so on.
Actually, we also have to offer a possibility to agree or to adapt the cookie conditions but thats some kind of well lets say loophole seems to be the right word here.
Anyways, I need to make all the terms and conditions reachable right next to this consent without having the person to agree first - is that possible too?
EDIT: Would it be possible to put a link to such into the description line?