Brand New SurveySparrow UI

Brand New SurveySparrow UI awaits you :rocket:!

We are refining our platform to make it easier for you to organize your data. Let’s address first things first :drum:.

Are the changes going to affect my data?”

Nope! All your surveys, responses, and dashboards will remain intact :sunglasses:.

We have enhanced the usability of our platform’s home page to help you be more organized while you are using SurveySparrow. To be precise, here are a couple of changes.

1. Folders take over the Workspaces :file_folder:.

“Workspaces” has been renamed to “Folders” to simplify things. The Folders are moved to the right from the current left navigation with an option to expand and collapse. All your existing workspaces will be available under “Folders” to access them. All your surveys will be available under the folders with the same visibility & permissions.

folder 1

2. Dashboards get their own space :chart_with_upwards_trend:.

Dashboards are now decoupled from Workspace and get a dedicated space on the top navigation. All your current dashboards will be available under dashboards with the same visibility & permissions.

dashboard 1

And there’s much more to it with little changes beautifying the platform.

Stay tuned for the launch of our new UI.

P.S :feather: Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries. You know, we are just….a chat away!




The home screen looks great. Our business focus on healthcare segments and I couldn’t find many templates under that category. It would be great if we could have more templates for healthcare segment.

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Hi @James3 :wave:,

We have 46 Healthcare Survey Templates, ref:
Is there anything particular that you are looking for, we can prioritize and build at the earliest?
Happy to discuss this further.


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I can’t access my closed surveys. Can you help, please?


Hi Eliza.

Welcome to SurveySaprrow Community :gem:

You can restore the closed survey using the restore action as shown in the below image.

Hope this helps. Feel free to reach us if you have any questions.

when there is no active survey left in the Dashboard, user couldn't access the closed survey.

This is a bug :red_circle: our team is currently fixing this. Will update here once the issue is resolved.


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Hi all,

Important update :loudspeaker:

The bug has been fixed. Now you can access the closed survey even when there are no active surveys.

Feel free to share your feedback on the new UI design.
