Set cut-off date

Set cut-off date

Actual Result:
After the closing of the survey on the date and time, a notification is received about the closing of the survey.

It will be possible to make changes to the message:

  1. Changing the language for the text
  2. Design the text according to the font
  3. Adding a picture / logo

Hi Ben,

Thank you for reaching out.
We appreciate the feedback and suggestion that you have provided.
However, after reviewing the idea, we have determined that it is not something that we currently support.

We understand that this may be disappointing, but please know that we are always looking for ways to improve and enhance our product. We will make sure to pass along your suggestion to the relevant team and see if it is something that we can consider in the future.

Thank you again for your contribution to the community. If you have any other ideas or suggestions, please do not hesitate to share them with us.