File Upload - Different File Extensions

:wave: Chris,

Thanks for sharing your feedback. Currently, we support the below types and formats :sunglasses:

  • Image (supports .png, .jpg, .jpeg and .svg format)

  • Document (supports .xls, .doc, .csv, .pdf format)

  • Video (supports .mp4, .3gp, .flv, .wmv format)

  • Audio (supports .mp3, .wav, .aac, .amr, .m4a format)

You can upload up to 5 files by increasing the number of files counter :star_struck:.
Attached screenshot below for reference :point_down:.

More details on this Link:link:

This covers the most commonly used file types and formats and helps the survey respondent to choose from different options.

However, we love :heart_eyes: to add new extensions and request you to share those here so that we could pass this to our product team.

Until then Stay Safe :wave: